Writing Guidelines for Press Releases

News articles you submit for any of the DIY press release packages must follow specific formatting rules to ensure they adhere to standard press release protocols. Here are the guidelines you need to follow:

Press Release Style: It’s crucial that your submission adopts a journalistic approach, resembling a news story. Unlike blog posts or sales advertisements that often include personal anecdotes or persuasive language, a press release should present factual, newsworthy information in a clear, unbiased manner. This style helps to build credibility with your audience and media outlets.

Attention-Grabbing Headlines: The headline is your opportunity to make a strong first impression. It should be a concise summary of your news, consisting of at least ten words. A compelling headline not only draws readers in but also sets the tone and context for the rest of your release. Use active verbs and avoid jargon to make it accessible and intriguing.

Use of Personal Pronouns: To maintain an objective and professional tone, personal pronouns (I, me, we, our, us, you, your, etc.) should only be used within quotes. Your news story should be written in the third person, as this enables you to present information in a neutral and factual way, mimicking the style of traditional news reports.

Language and Symbols: Stick to standard English language and avoid using symbols, emojis, or non-standard characters. These can distract from your message and may not be compatible with all news platforms. Clear, professional language helps to ensure your release is taken seriously and reaches the widest possible audience.

Avoid Questions: While questions can be engaging in other types of content, a press release is designed to present facts and statements. Instead of posing questions to the reader, focus on providing clear, valuable information. This approach aligns with the journalistic style of press releases and helps to reinforce your credibility.

Inclusion of Links and Images: Incorporating links and images can enhance your story by providing additional context or visual interest. However, placement matters. You can include up to 3 links within the body of the release, but not in the headline or summary, as this can distract from your main message. Likewise, you can include up to 5 images, but each should be on a separate line to maintain readability.

Word Count: A good press release strikes a balance between being informative and concise. Keep your word count between 350 to 800 words. Too brief, and you may not provide enough information; too long, and you risk losing your reader’s interest.

Press Release Template: If formatting seems daunting, don’t worry. You can download our Press Release Template as a guide. This provides a structured format to follow, ensuring all the necessary elements of a successful press release are included.

Remember, creating a press release requires a specific skill set. If you need assistance, or if you’d prefer to entrust this task to professionals, our experienced writing team is available to write your news article. They have the expertise to craft a compelling news article that adheres to these guidelines and resonates with your target audience.

Summary: Writing Guidelines for Jumpstart Package

Heading Guidelines
Press Release Style Adopt a journalistic approach to resemble a news story, presenting factual, newsworthy information in a clear, unbiased manner. This style helps build credibility with your audience and media outlets.
Attention-Grabbing Headlines Your headline should be a concise summary of your news, consisting of at least ten words. A compelling headline draws readers in and sets the tone and context for the rest of your release. Use active verbs and avoid jargon to make it accessible and intriguing.
Use of Personal Pronouns Maintain an objective and professional tone by using personal pronouns (I, me, we, our, us, you, your, etc.) only within quotes. Your news story should be written in the third person, presenting information in a neutral and factual way.
Language and Symbols Use standard English language and avoid symbols, emojis, or non-standard characters. Clear, professional language ensures your release is taken seriously and reaches the widest possible audience.
Avoid Questions Instead of posing questions to the reader, focus on providing clear, valuable information. This approach aligns with the journalistic style of press releases and helps reinforce your credibility.
Inclusion of Links and Images Incorporate up to 5 links within the body of the release and up to 6 images, each on a separate line. Placement matters; avoid including links in the headline or summary, and ensure images do not disrupt readability.
Word Count Keep your word count between 350 to 800 words to ensure your release is informative yet concise. Too brief, and you may not provide enough information; too long, and you risk losing your reader’s interest.
Press Release Template Download our Press Release Template as a guide for structuring your press release. This ensures all the necessary elements of a successful press release are included.