How To Write a Market Insights Case Study

One Page Case Studies™ solve a big problem for small businesses. The problem everyone experiences is, “How do I get more clients”?

The solution to getting more clients is showing proof. One Page Case Studies™ show proof in the form of success stories. They turn “Experts” into “Trusted Experts.”

Not only do they convert The Doubter to a Buyer, but they rank on Google with amazing ease. When implementing the One-Page Case Study Proof-Stacking system, the studies turn websites into income-producing assets.

  1. Success Stories – Click here to learn about simple Success Stories.
  2. Market Insights – This Case Study demonstrates your market knowledge and expertise. These are great for mixing with your client’s success stories.

What Is a Market Insights Case Study

These one-pagers provide information such as market trends, data, cost, and frequently asked questions.

Unlike traditional client success stories, market insights case studies focus on providing a broader perspective. They help the consumer (The Doubter) learn about your products and services.

The educational Case Study provides information that will connect with The Doubter at a deep level when they see your success stories.

It’s incredible how this simple formula presells your products or services before you speak with them.

Example of a Market Insights Case Study Cogent Realty Advisors Market Insights Case StudyNYC commercial real estate broker Mitch Waldman is a master at writing the simple market insights case study. Every week he updates his website with quarterly market reports along with the status of individual prime Manhattan office buildings.

He follows the One Page Formula to minimize his time while maximizing the results. Google views the Cogent Realty website favorably as a leading source of information. It’s no wonder he ranks on Google for Office Space at the World Trade Center, the Empire State Building, and countless other terms. The simple strategy continues to pull in new clients.

The Top 10 Most Persuasive Elements of a Market Insights Case Study

  1. Relevant Data: Using relevant and accurate data to support key findings and recommendations of the success story is very persuasive to readers.
  2. Credible Sources: Using credible sources of information such as government reports, academic studies, and industry associations can enhance the credibility of the case study.
  3. Visual Aids: Using visual aids such as graphs, charts, and infographics can help readers understand the key points of the case study more quickly and make it memorable.
  4. Clear Writing: The writing style of the case study should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, avoiding jargon or technical terms that could confuse readers.
  5. Expertise: Including insights and analysis from industry experts or consultants can add credibility and authority to the case study.
  6. Real-World Examples: Using real-world examples and case studies can help readers relate to the information presented and make the recommendations more compelling.
  7. Specific Recommendations: Clear and specific recommendations that are actionable and feasible can be very persuasive to readers.
  8. Emphasis on Benefits: The case study should focus on the benefits gained by following the recommendations, such as increased profitability, improved efficiency, or enhanced customer satisfaction.
  9. Multiple Perspectives: Including multiple perspectives and viewpoints in the case study can make it more comprehensive and credible.
  10. Call to Action: The case study should include a clear call to action, such as contacting the consulting firm or industry association for more information or requesting a consultation.


About the Founders of Success Stories with One-Page Studies

Ed Winslow and Caroline Vega are Branding and Publicity SEO specialists. One Page Case Studies™ results from many years in the trenches of marketing and sales.

The One Page Case study was born when Ed Winslow wrote a simple success story featured on the front page of the New York Times.

Over the years, Ed and Caroline applied the same formula on Google. After years of client feedback and demand from marketing agencies to learn the formula, they launched the One Page Case Studies™ Mastermind.

One Page Case Study Market Insights Case Study