Video Case Study Marketing with Bob Regnerus of Feed Stories

Bob Regnerus Interview about Case Study Videos

The following is an interview with Bob Regnerus of Feed Stories with Ed Winslow of One Page Case Studies. In the interview, Bob and Ed discussed the power of proof in marketing.

Ed Winslow: Hi Bob, thanks for taking the time to chat with me today.

Bob Regnerus: It’s my pleasure, Ed.

Contact InformationBob Regnerus, Feed Stories

Ed Winslow: Bob is the founder of the Case Study video marketing company He’s also a speaker and author on the topic of video marketing.

Bob Regnerus: That’s right, Ed. I’ve been helping businesses use video to grow their businesses for over 10 years using Case Studies and Video.

Ed Winslow: Today, we’re going to be talking about how to use case studies with video to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Bob Regnerus: Case studies are a powerful tool that can be used to show your audience the value of your product or service. They can also help you build trust and credibility.

Ed Winslow: In this interview, we’ll discuss:

1. How to create effective case studies using video
2. How to use case studies in your marketing
3. The benefits of using case study videos

I hope you’ll find this interview helpful.

Video Case Study Marketing Tips

Powerful – case study videos are a tool for increasing sales and improving customer satisfaction.
Effective – to use case studies, make sure they are well-written, informative, and targeted to your target audience.
Versatile – you can use case studies on your website, in your marketing materials, and even in your sales process.
Trustworthy – case studies build trust with your audience and show them the value of your product or service.

Feed Stories – Using Story Telling and Case Studies to Engage And Influence Your Audience

Video Case Studies with Bob Regnerus

Ed Winslow: So, let’s start with a little background. You’ve been in direct marketing for 25 years, right?

Bob Regnerus: That’s right. I started out as a coder and programmer, but my path led me to marketing when my first client asked me how to get traffic to their website.

Ed Winslow: And you were hooked?

Bob Regnerus: Absolutely. I loved the challenge of figuring out how to reach people and get them to take action.

Ed Winslow: And over the years, you’ve developed a strong focus on story telling. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Bob Regnerus: Sure. I’ve come to believe that stories are the key to marketing in the age of AI. People are bombarded with information all day long, and it’s hard to stand out from the crowd. But a well-told story captures people’s attention and makes them remember what you’re saying.

Ed Winslow: So, what are some of the things you look for in a good story?

Bob Regnerus: I look for stories that are authentic, relatable, and have a clear call to action. I also like stories that are visually appealing and easy to share.

Ed Winslow: And how do you use stories in your marketing?

Bob Regnerus: I use stories in a variety of ways. I use them in videos on my website, in my email marketing campaigns, and even in my sales presentations. I’ve found that case studies and stories are a great way to connect with people and build relationships.

Ed Winslow: So, you mentioned that you like to stack two stories together in a case study. Can you tell me more about that?

Bob Regnerus: Sure. The first story is the solution story. This is the story behind your product or service. What problem does it solve? How does it work? What are the benefits?

The second story is the customer story. This is the story of how your product or service has helped a specific customer. What were their challenges? How did your product or service help them overcome those challenges? What were the results?

When you stack these two stories together, you create a powerful case study that is both informative and persuasive. The solution story provides the context for the customer story, and the customer story provides the proof that your product or service works.

Video Case Studies and Success Stories Of Transformation

Video Case Study Tips

Ed Winslow: That makes sense. And you mentioned that you like to tell stories of transformation. What do you mean by that?

Bob Regnerus: I mean stories where the customer’s life is changed in some way as a result of using your product or service. This could be a physical change, such as losing weight or getting in shape. It could be a mental change, such as reducing stress or anxiety. Or it could be a financial change, such as increasing income or reducing debt.

When you tell stories of transformation, you connect with your audience on a deeper level. You show them that your product or service can make a real difference in their lives. And this is what motivates them to take action.

Ed Winslow: That’s interesting. So, you’re saying that the customer’s doubts are not about you, but about themselves?

Bob Regnerus: Exactly. People have made so many mistakes in their lives, and they’re afraid of making another one. So, when they’re considering a new product or service, they’re naturally skeptical.

Ed Winslow: What can you do to help them overcome their skepticism?

Bob Regnerus: You can do a few things.

1. Provide them with as much information as possible about your product or service. This will help them to understand what it is and how it can benefit them.
2. Provide them with testimonials from other customers who have been happy with your product or service. This will help them to see that your product or service is effective.
3. Offer them a money-back guarantee. This will show them that you’re confident in your product or service and that you’re willing to stand behind it.

Ed Winslow: You mentioned that you like to use case studies to help people overcome their skepticism. Can you tell me more about that?

Bob Regnerus: Sure. A case study is a story about how your product or service has helped a specific customer. When you tell a case study, you’re essentially saying to the potential customer, “This is what I can do for you.”

Case studies are a great way to overcome skepticism because they’re real-world examples of your product or service in action. They show the potential customer what they can expect if they choose to work with you.

Case Study Tips

When you write a case study, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

1. Make sure the case study is well-written and easy to read.
2. Make sure the case study is specific and provides concrete details about the customer’s experience.
3. Make sure the case study is positive and highlights the benefits of your product or service.

The best way to do that is to tell a story from the customer’s perspective.

Case Study Video Examples Story telling

Ed Winslow: So, let’s say I’m a business owner who is struggling to get more customers. How would I tell a story from the customer’s perspective?

Bob Regnerus: You could start by describing the customer’s problem. What are they struggling with? What are their pain points?
Once you’ve described the problem, you can then introduce your product or service as the solution. How does your product or service solve the customer’s problem? What are the benefits of using your product or service?

Finally, you can end the story by describing the customer’s transformation. How has your product or service changed their life? What are they now able to do that they couldn’t do before?

When you tell a story from the customer’s perspective, you connect with them on a deeper level. You show them that you understand their pain points and that you have a solution that can help them.

Ed Winslow: So, let’s talk about video case studies. Can you tell me more about that?

Bob Regnerus: Sure. Video case studies are a great way to tell a story and connect with your audience. They’re also a great way to show off your product or service in action.

Video Case Study Tips

When you create a video case study, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

• First, make sure the video is well-produced and easy to watch.
• Second, make sure the video is specific and provides concrete details about the customer’s experience.
• Third, make sure the video is positive and highlights the benefits of your product or service.

Ed Winslow: So, let’s talk about the length of a case study. You mentioned that the length of a case study should vary depending on the audience. Can you give me some more specific guidelines?

Bob Regnerus: Sure. Here are some guidelines for determining the length of a Video Case Study:

Video Case Study Length Guidelines

1. Cold traffic: For cold traffic, you’ll want to keep your case studies short and to the point. A 30-second video is a good target length.
2. Warm traffic: For warm traffic, you can increase the length of your case studies to a minute or two. This will give you more time to tell a more detailed story.
3. Hot traffic: For hot traffic, you can create longer case studies, such as 5 or 6 minutes. This is a good option if you’re selling a high-value product or service.

It’s important to remember that the length of a case study is not as important as the content. Make sure your case studies are well-written, informative, and engaging.

Ed Winslow: In your experience, what are some of the most effective ways to use case studies to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction?

Bob Regnerus: There are a few things that you can do to use case studies effectively.

How to Use Case Studies Effectively According to Bob Regnerus

First, you need to make sure that your case studies are well-written and informative. They should tell a compelling story about how your product or service has helped someone else.
Second, you need to make sure that your case studies are targeted to your target audience. You want to make sure that the people who read your case studies can relate to the stories that you’re telling.
Third, you need to make sure that you’re using your case studies in the right way. You can use them on your website, SEO, in your marketing materials, and even in your sales process.

Case Study Video Examples

Ed Winslow: Can you give me an case study video examples of how a company uses them effectively?

Bob Regnerus: Sure. I have a client who works with business owners who are on the verge of bankruptcy. These business owners are typically feeling frustrated, lost, and perplexed. They don’t know what to do, and they’re getting inundated by calls from vendors.

My client was having a problem with people not showing up for their consultations. They would book an appointment, but then they wouldn’t show up. This was a big problem because it meant that my client wasn’t able to help these business owners.

We came up with a solution. We created a series of case studies that featured business owners who had been helped by my client. We targeted these case studies to the people who were booking appointments, and we sent them out via email.

The results were amazing. In a matter of weeks, we were able to increase our show-up rate by 300%. That means that six out of ten people who booked an appointment actually showed up.

This was a huge success for my client. They were able to help more business owners, and they were able to increase their bottom line.

Ed Winslow: That’s great. Case Studies are a really powerful tool for businesses of all sizes.

Bob Regnerus: They can be. And the best part is, they’re not that hard to create. You can start by simply writing down the story of how your product or service helped someone. Once you have that story, you can edit it and make it more polished. Then, you can add images or videos to make it more visually appealing.

Ed Winslow: That sounds like a lot of work.

Bob Regnerus: It doesn’t have to be. You can start with a simple case study and then build on it over time. The more case studies you have, the more powerful your marketing will be.

Feed Stories by Bob Regnerus

If you’re looking for a solution to convert your website and social media audience from tire kickers to presold, happy clients, click here to visit Feed Stories.

Everyone is online. But to stand out, you need to tell your story. One that connects with your audience and is one that people remember. Video Case Studies and Stories solve a big problem. How to convert skeptics to buyers with proof.